- 吝啬 stingy; niggardly; miserly; ...
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 不足 not enough; insufficient; de ...
- 伺机 watch for one's chance; awai ...
- 摸 feel; stroke; touch
- 屁 hip
- 是 Semantics
- 小气 parsimonious; stingy; niggar ...
- 小气的,吝啬的 stingy
- 小气吝啬的 stingy
- 吝啬的 chary; cheap; chinchy; closefisted; closehanded; curmudgeonly; footling; hardfisted; illiberal; ironfisted; mean; mingy; miserly; narrowfisted; near; niggardly; parsimonious; penurious; pinchpenny; scotch; scraping; scrimpy; shabby; spare; stingy; tightfisted; ungenerous; unhandsome
- 极吝啬的 tighter than the barkon a tree
- 吝啬的 浪费,慨赠 penurious lavish
- 吝啬的,粗鄙的 illiberal
- 吝啬的家伙 meanie; meany
- 吝啬的捐助 niggardly contributions
- 吝啬的律帅 stingy lawyer
- 吝啬的妻子 r}le stingy wife
- 吝啬的人 amiserlyperson
- 小气的 closefisted; costive; curmudgeonly; little; miserly; niggardly; parsimonious - wasteful; persnickety; petty; pimping; skimpy; small-minded; stingy
- 卑鄙,自私的,吝啬的 mean
- 过分吝啬的人 a penny pincher; a straight shooter
- 吝啬的守财奴 a niggardly old miser
- 〔美国〕小气鬼,吝啬鬼。 skinflint
- 〔美俚〕吝啬鬼,小气鬼。 cheap skate